15 January 2010

More on the African Openbills

I went out to our local spot to stake out the African Openbill (Anastomus lamelligerus) that had been hanging around at the local golf course for the past few weeks. And in the last light of the day I was fortunate enough to find 2 of the birds - one foraging in a ditch and the other out in the "rough". The first bird afforded me good views and was posing obligingly for a pic or two.

Openbill near the ditch (ACvdW)

I inspected the ditch after it flew off - and found a number of freshly crushed shells of snails (Helix aspersa) - unfortunately it was already too dark to take proper photos of the crushed shells. The said snails are to small to feed the bird properly, so presumably there must be other sources of food as well. In literature it is mentioned that they feed on insects, beetles, frogs and especially on different snail species and fresh water mussels. The latter is not found locally.

Both the birds settled in a large tree to roost for the night.

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