11 March 2008

Marabou Stork in Southern Free State

Marabou Stork in Smithfield
This bird was spotted in Smithfield at the town dumps by a farmer, Willie Swanepoel, when passing by. He contacted Carmel Rickard, a local resident. The lines were set on fire and I went out to have a look.
The tag identifies the bird as S64 - it frequented the area of Oudtshoorn in the Western Cape a few months ago and was apparently ringed in Swaziland.
It was a first for the area as far as could be established at present.


Arnold vd Westhuizen said...

In the mean time it was established that S64 was ringed in Swaziland by the research team of Prof Ara Monadjem. It was ringed in Sept/Oct 2007.

The same bird was observed at the town dumps in Oudtshoorn by Reinderd Visser and caused a stir amongst Western Cape birders to get it on their Western Cape lists.

It was still perching on the same post early this morning (12.03.2008)

Arnold vd Westhuizen said...

Another snippet has arrived:

S64 was tagged on: 2007/07/02 at
Coordinates: 2612S3152E Location: Hlane Province: Swaziland;

This bird travelled 1257kms in 194 days (Swaziland to Oudtshoorn)